Saturday, June 20, 2015

JICA is to Conduct Household and Traffic Surveys in Lae-Nadzab Area

Surveyors will visit households during the survey
 Surveys are to be conducted as a part of the new JICA study project on Lae-Nadzab Urban Development Plan that is underway. The surveys are to make the study objective, and to conduct the study as much as possible based on quantitative indicators. Moreover, the surveys will help in incorporating the needs of the community of the target area in the study and future plans.

Two surveys will be conducted by this JICA: household survey and traffic surveys. In the household survey, about one thousand households representing the Lae-Nadzab area residents will be interviewed on their needs and their views on development policies. In the traffic survey, traffic counting and roadside interview will be conducted at selected locations to estimate the future traffic demand for the future transport plans.

The surveys will be conducted through local companies, and the JICA study team is currently in Lae City to finalize the necessary process to start the survey works. The JICA team will publish details of the survey including the purpose so that all the stakeholders would understand the ultimate goals of the surveys and cooperate in making the survey works successful.

JICA Team Met with the Lae City Lord Mayor

JICA Team Leader Discussing with the Lord Mayor (June 18, 2015)

The JICA team met the Lae City Lord Mayor, Hon. Koim Trilu Leahy, at his office on June 18, 2015. The Lordy Mayor welcomed the JICA team  recalling that he was engaged in the project at the inception level wth JICA. He added that he will make all the necessary logistics support to facilitate the work of  JICA team.

The JICA team thanked the Lord Mayor for his commitment, and explained the content of the project and work schedule as well as the cooperation that team is expecting.

The Lae-Nadzab Urban Development Project has started in June 1, 2015, and  the JICA team is currently working at its temporary office in Lae City.  The team is schedule to undertake various activities related to the project in coordination with counterparts.

Friday, June 19, 2015

JICA Team Presented Inception Report

Participants discussing the Inception Report  (June 17, 2015)      

On June 17, the JICA Team had a meeting with the counterparts from various sectors in Lae City to discuss the inception report of the Project for Lae-Nadzab Urban Development Plan.

Mr. Francis Japu, the joint coordination committee chairperson and  provincial planner, welcomed the JICA team members emphasizing that this is an importance project the region was looking forward.

On his behalf, Mr. Akio Nakamura, the JICA team leader, thanked Mr. Japu as well participants from the counterparts, and explained the inception report after which the participants discussed the contents of the report.

The JICA team leader started his presentation by underlining that this JICA project has started in response to the assistance request made by the Government of Papua New Guinea to the Government of Japan, and  by recalling the earlier urban development plan issues.

The team leader also explained the content of the project, expected outputs in detail, with  time frames." This project will be based on objective indicators as much as possible," Mr. Nakamura emphasized. He added that the project will conduct household survey and traffic survey, requesting to start awareness building works so that the community would understand and cooperate.

At the end, the participants discussed the reports and exchanged ideas, particularly on the importance  of closely cooperating and assigning counterparts to coordinate the works in each sector.

The first Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) meeting is expected to be held on June 30. In the meantime the JICA team members will continue their work in Lae City and their scheduled activities include site surveys.

Click here to learn more about this project.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Project for the Study on Lae-Nadzab Urban Development Plan

Although there is a 10-year Lae-Nadzab urban development plan approved in 2005, its implementation is limited. It is under this circumstance that the Government of Papua New Guinea (GoPNG) requested the assistance of the Government of Japan (GOJ). In response, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) assessed the request, and as a result agreed to implement this project in cooperation with the relevant PNG organizations.

Target Area

Contents and Duration
 The project will be completed within 15 months from its commencement date.

Implementation Structure
The project will be implemented in a transparent and closely coordinated manner.
Environmental and Social Considerations