Saturday, June 20, 2015

JICA is to Conduct Household and Traffic Surveys in Lae-Nadzab Area

Surveyors will visit households during the survey
 Surveys are to be conducted as a part of the new JICA study project on Lae-Nadzab Urban Development Plan that is underway. The surveys are to make the study objective, and to conduct the study as much as possible based on quantitative indicators. Moreover, the surveys will help in incorporating the needs of the community of the target area in the study and future plans.

Two surveys will be conducted by this JICA: household survey and traffic surveys. In the household survey, about one thousand households representing the Lae-Nadzab area residents will be interviewed on their needs and their views on development policies. In the traffic survey, traffic counting and roadside interview will be conducted at selected locations to estimate the future traffic demand for the future transport plans.

The surveys will be conducted through local companies, and the JICA study team is currently in Lae City to finalize the necessary process to start the survey works. The JICA team will publish details of the survey including the purpose so that all the stakeholders would understand the ultimate goals of the surveys and cooperate in making the survey works successful.

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