Saturday, June 20, 2015

JICA Team Met with the Lae City Lord Mayor

JICA Team Leader Discussing with the Lord Mayor (June 18, 2015)

The JICA team met the Lae City Lord Mayor, Hon. Koim Trilu Leahy, at his office on June 18, 2015. The Lordy Mayor welcomed the JICA team  recalling that he was engaged in the project at the inception level wth JICA. He added that he will make all the necessary logistics support to facilitate the work of  JICA team.

The JICA team thanked the Lord Mayor for his commitment, and explained the content of the project and work schedule as well as the cooperation that team is expecting.

The Lae-Nadzab Urban Development Project has started in June 1, 2015, and  the JICA team is currently working at its temporary office in Lae City.  The team is schedule to undertake various activities related to the project in coordination with counterparts.

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